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The actual discussion about the DJ stuff amuses me a little bit. At least I have no problems or an invisible border in my brain,to work together with a DJ.Maybe in a band,maybe a saideman or maybe the DJ as sideman. I trace myself as a musican who plays mainly guitar.But some would say,this guy is not a real guitarist,because he uses so many FX/devices and his sound is not the standard E-guitarsound we used to know from a Strat/Paula directly to the Marshall Amp.Oh yeah,if this should be the relation I am really not a guitarist. In the guitar world we had and have enough debates about Tube or Transistor, Paula or Strat,now Vitual Pod front against analog Stompboxes and so and on.... At least it is not a debate about music,it is only a debate about technology to realize an audio artwork. I have listened to a lot of DJ´s who were really only the Master of a programme list. But I have also listened to a lot of guitarists who played down only the score. Another question is,if a member of a symphony orchestra(a Basson player for examole) could be called a musican.He plays also only fixed material from a fixed score. At least a programme list.Would you call him a Non-Musican ? I guess not. Let us take a view to the composer side.I like Maurice Ravel a lot,because of his wonderful and colourful instrumentation.He was original a Pianoplayer.So he was a piano musican.As composer he was able to expand this ideas from piano to a big Symphony Orchestra.Maurice was not a trained musican for each single instrument of an orchestra.Nevertheless he was able to tease out all this wonderful colourings from a piano part. From the piano part alone,you can not hear the version for symphony orchestra.It needs the imagination and artistic spirit to tranform a piano part to an extrordianry Orchestra part.Listen to Daphins and Cloe or the "Pictures of an exhibition".Pictures was composed by Modest Mussorgsky for Piano,Maurice Ravel did the instrumentation for it. In a non correct way I could easy claim,that Maurice was an early pre-electronic DJ. Like evry other piano player who composed for orchestra. The DJ question is a little worse.Most people think of DJ,that he is someone who spools down a playlist,with some funny comments.Well,a Radio DJ for example. This is a basic form. The next step is the DJ,who uses his sound sources for some easy soundmanipulating. Like scratching.The mass of +30 people will think immidiately of breakdance. A prejudice..... But for a generation before,all guitar heroes were in their mind,Hippies on speed. Also a prejudice..... Around 1955 we had to schools in Europe.The electronic Studio in Cologne,with its additive synthesis sound(Stockhuasen,Koenig...) and the Musique Concrete in Paris (Pierre Schaeffer....),the Paris-studio worked a lot with real sounds and the pre aera of Vinyl.So it could be traced as the pre-sampling and DJ phase. They used sonic material to manipulate already existing sounds,so they would get in another musical context. Later on such manipulation was determined as "Life-electronic",with bandloops and early synth.-gear. It was never a question,that the "Life Electronic" guy,was mentioned as musican. The nowadays DJ is a musican.Life electronic made an evolution.Hardware made big steps in development.Like once and still on for the E-guitar. A DJ has totally different possibilities to a "Old school" musican.A DJ will seldom reach the musicality vision of an E-guitartit.Otherwise an E-guitarist will never seldom reach the optimum of a DJ. An E-guitarist will also seldom reach the acoustic guitar heaven.Like otherwise. A good DJ has discovered with his experience and individual insights a world of new musical textures,like an E-guitarist who has been busy for years,or a Basoonist. A bad DJ will be a bad DJ,a bad guitarist will be a bad guitarist,a bad basoonist will be a bad basoonist. If we would be really strict musicans,then we should leave our fingers from all artifical instruments.The only natural instrument we all own is our voice. So we have to open a big barber shop.Well,the voice is very flexible. Each other instrument is artifical.Or have you ever seen a Violintree ? A massive problem is the question of the copyright.Most DJs use a real short frag form existing material,so that it will not be recognized,where it really was from. A lot of guitar players use little licks and riffs,wich were played so many times before.But they sat it into a different context,so that the origin context is not listenable anymore. Ripping off is not a new way,a lot of musican before us ripped of the little licks form preexisting material,to a new context. If we were really strict,each musican has to pay royalities to the one,who invented the musical system of twelve tones per octave.Or stranger,Harry partch who would have been this year 100 years old,had invented a 43 steps scale through an octave. Each time you reach his frequency,you must pay royality. :_) Such discussion makes no sense,like the discussion if a DJ is a musican or not. Of course there are plenty of so called DJs out,where we only can fart...... But there enough other instrumentalists out,where we can fart...a lot. There is no good or bad music outside.There is only music we like or dislike. This is and will be always an individual decison. At the end,it is not interesting for me,how the music was produced,wich came so close to my heart,that I will call an acoustic sound MUSIC. It is only important,that this music had touched me,for whatever reasons. Marty