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Re: What the heck is Behringer doing?

words of wisdom, Martin!!! They still talk about "ethics" with
----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Tauchen" <Pohon-Kelapa@t-online.de>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2001 10:23 PM
Subject: Re: What the heck is Behringer doing?

> Behringer copy some designs and constructions.That is not a wonder to me.
> A lot of tools we use,are mostly copies of something else.
> In the pharmaceutical buisiness we call such "products" generica.After a
> time
> such companies offers such copies of products at a low price.So I trace
> Behringer
> as a "Generica" reseller.
> The "original" producer had immense costs to develop a "medical"
> he is
> protected by International laws for some years.After this time everyone
> bring a
> "copy" of this product on the market.
> Actually seen on the debate in Africa,where gouverments want to allow to
> produce
> copies of medical product-wich can help a little bit against the negative
> effects
> of HIV infection.The Pharmaindustry will not allow it,because it is still
> the
> protected phase of the copyright.But in Africa no one can afford this
> medecine.
> So these gouverments decided to ripp Generica from the original design.
> From this case,I have also my doubts about Dow Chemical and Co.Profit
> orientated.
> The latest News was that they have found now a compromise.
> Nevertheless,the discussion before it was not a sign of morality in this
> case.
> Behringer rips maybe somethings of.But all devices are not totally
> technology,
> wich need a special protection.Functions are nearly similar.A mixing
> will be
> always a mixing console.How it will be designed depends on the
> most parts
> of a mixing console come again from different producers,where all
> produce shop.
> The same is valid for FX-devices and other audio equipment.
> According to the streetprice,we should not wonder,that Behringer products
> are not the
> best,but they are also not filthy.
> If we trace it really strict and puristic,the whole digital Music 
> were ripped off
> from Standford University.FM Synthesis was developed there in the
> seventies,a first commercial
> product-the DX7 was released in 1983.
> The same for phyical Modelling.Developed in the early eighties and
> manifested as consumertool in
> 1993 -again Yamaha with VL1.
> One word to China.The situation for labours there is really not OK.but in
> Indonesia,Malaysia and
> Taiwan the simple labour is in a similar situation like in China.Ever 
> how they work there ?
> And what are there rights ? The only difference between China and the
> is the political
> system.
> And when HongKong was still under british gouverment.Ever seen old people
> living in their birdcage ?
> After a life of long hard work,this was their last place for living.Two
> Squaremeter space with a
> hight of 1,5 meter.Looking like a birdcage.
> And at least,everyone knows,that Bill Gates Microsoft is the worlds
> Ripper.
> Marty
> ----------
> >Von: Tom Ritchford <tom@swirly.com>
> >An: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
> >Betreff: Re: What the heck is Behringer doing?
> >Datum: Son, 10. Jun 2001 19:46 Uhr
> >
> >>Most producers let produce in China,Taiwan,Indonesia and so on.Full
> >>assembled or half assembeled.
> >
> >I have nothing against Taiwan and Indonesia...
> >
> >China is kinda disturbing to me because at least
> >some of the work is done with slave labour (I doubt that
> >they have prisoners putting together circuit boards, though).
> >
> >But I can't just not buy computers and electronics, it's
> >what I do.
> >
> >(I mean, I do a lot of things, and that's one of them.)
> >
> >
> >>So if you avoid to buy Behringer for such reasons,you
> >>should also avoid to
> >>buy products of all this other companies who does it the same.
> >>At least there will be not left a lot wich you can choose from !
> >
> >No, I wouldn't avoid Behringer for just that reason, it'd be crazy.
> >
> >But given also that they do copy other designs, which bothers me
> >as a programmer and thus an intellectual property worker!
> >and that their stuff is a little flimsy,
> >I'll give their products a pass.
> >
> > /t
> >
> >
> >                                  that was fast
> >
> >.......all legal games of chess
> >.....programmer's documentation
> >