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on 24/7/01 9:04 PM, Luigi Meloni at wrote: > > I think you're right. Here in Italy for something the situation is even > worse. If I want to put some stuff I composed, produced and recorded on >my > site I'll have to pay the Italian rights organisation (SIAE), which >will... Tutta la mia simpatia, mi ero dimenticato di quanto suchiasangue fosse la SIAE! > > I thought law should be equal to everyone, shouldn't it????? Ma dove? Roberto ______________________________________________ Roberto Battista Tel. 0044 020 8449 1995 Mobile 0775 960 4344 ______________________________________________ independent on-line music distribution, the music you can't find elsewhere, hybrid, eclectic, world, looped, unusual... ______________________________________________ an exciting project on technology applied to mobile education for developing countries and remote locations... ______________________________________________