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Repeater has got some features that I'm just loving! I started laying down a new track this evening. Started with an ambient pad background - 8 measures in 3/4. Repeater defaults to 4/4, so I dialed in 24 beats, and set rhythm to 3/4. Great. For some reason, the drums "felt" right as 7 bars of 4/4. OK, 7 against 8, that's cool! Recorded the drums, and since they *really* set the beat, dialed in 28 measures at 4/4. Wow! Now I'm looking at 7 measures cycling, so I have a great visual cue for laying down a measure bass part. Etc, etc. This tempo-based display is *terrific*! Who cares about a display showing the number of seconds recorded - this is what I've been wanting - bars and beats :) OK, now the bad news <g> Has anyone noticed that the pan function works only on recorded material, not on the input. This gives a very strange effect if overdubbing. I panned a track hard right. I hear the guitar in the center while recording. As soon as the loop completes, the recorded guitar is playing right, while the new material is still centered. Rather unexpected :( Elby BTW, we haven't heard from any of the Electrix folks here lately, are they still around, or should we 'peaterers be cross-posting to the new Electrix site?