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"Damon Langlois (Electrix)" a écrit : > The pre and post information is actually just audio data. When you press > record, Repeater has already been recording so you have a little bit >extra > audio at the beginning of your loop. It also keeps recording a little bit > after you finish recording. This give you some buffer material for >trimming > (among other things). The silence is separate from this. We don't think >the > silence is a feature but there are reasons why we couldn't get rid of it >for > the first OS release. It might be something we can do something about in >a > future OS but definitely not in the next one. So if you "trim cut" you >get > rid of the extra audio data but not the silence. "trim cut" basically > discards anything on the other side of the trim points. This will make >the > file a little easier to trim the extra stuff of in a PC WAV editor. > > Respect, > > Damon Langlois > Creative Director > Electrix > Tel (250) 544-4091 Fax (250) 544-4100 > Is it only true for the first track of the loop you record, or is it always like that for every track ? I mean once a first track is recorded, why allowing trim features for every track independently since start/end loop points can already be defined by the first recorded track ? EP