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Re: Loop IV

>to wet your apetite the manual is 47 pages long (pdf)
>Kim is finishing it (burn burn burn .....)
>Matthias went back to Brasil? moving in his new house

well right now with Claudio Nucci in Maua, 1200m high, taking 
waterfall shower and listening to his and Kal's marvelous curing 

>André is glitching
>Andy freaks out in Flip mode
>Bret is brother syncing
>Mark resetted threshold in sync:in
>And I am just happy its over (+800 mails with Matthias since december

So am I. But I love this revew. Lets add that I spent twice a week or 
more with you working full time on it. The mails with Andy probably 
also added to hundreds.
We really did something new. Its not like programming a chorus 
effect, when everybody knows what it sounds like and how its done, 
its figuring out new functions, capture the weird musicians fantasies 
and make them operatable and programmable.
Fascinating work, but we overdid it somehow. It took too long all 
together and the poor old processor in the EDP made us too much work 
to still make it work...
But we made it, and so far there is no real bug known, just 2-3 spots 
where it may not exactly do what you expect... but you will have to 
dig into the unit for a half year before you get there ;-) !

>Neil Goldstein wrote:
>>  Just in case you don't have a hush policy until formal public release, 
>>  since it was mentioned the "Target completion date is April 24th", 
>>  someone whet our appetites with a full feature list? That said, I'm
>>  confident there's a good reason for the silence, as long as it 
>>  Reading about faux viruses and other gear for sale and the years of 
>Loop IV
>>  beta testing fans my interest in full disclosure:-)
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          ---> http://Matthias.Grob.org