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matthias, you said something about product endorsements being old-school & boring, or something much like that..... personally, i think that endorsements can be very useful & more than a little practical, when: 1) they reflect real useage, 2) the market niche is well-defined, and 3) they are pursued w/some long-range plan w/educational depth, especially and most specifically in regards to 'hidden' instruments..... such as the edp. (this is certainly the repeat of a discussion that i began having w/both kim and the then-not-ready-for-committment-folks-at-gibson, when the edp was first released, after the failure of lexicon higher-up execs to stick w/a long-range plan for marketing the jamman). with a hidden *player's* instrument like the edp ---(ie, the instrument is being used intensively, but the audience can't *see* either it or the player's direct interaction with it ---eg, benny reitveld at the santana performance --- unlike a les paul/a dw drumkit/or even a waldorf synth etc)--- it seems that such endorsements might even be necessary; my strongest suggestion, those years ago and *still*, would be to follow up the endorsement w/a series of **regular** looping clinic-tours sponsored by the manufacturer, w/instructional videos (or whatever) made available for sale (but, free-of-charge to salesfolk at the retail level), also by the manufacturer. of course, in my own case, gibson dropped the planning-ball many, many moons ago; though: i made myself available, for whatever that might have been worth ---(not very much to them, obviously, i guess!)--- ..... and left the door wide open, w/absolutely no response from any business-planning folk at gibson/trace/gibson. that little bit off my hairy chest: i'm sooooo very glad to see that andré/kim/etc have (rightfully, as andré is such a rocking edp-badass) begun a new forward-thrust, on their own initiative. so, regarding looping-devices, i guess i'd opine that some truthful endorsements might be --- at least, eventually--- more than a bit valuable to a manufacturer interested in (and capable of actuating) longer-range planning. if the manufacturers want people to buy the product, but folks a) don't have an idea of what-it-is, and b) are clueless as to how they might use it, themselves, well..... the word must go out, somehow --- i guess that's what LD is for, eh? --- and i'm led to speculate that the manufacturers, themselves, tend to lose deeply via their lack of marketing commitment/planning vis-a-vis looping instruments. just ruminating..... best, dt / splattercell