Support |
1)where you live
<<pittsburgh pa.>>
2)where you would like to perform (a city or a region)
<<usa or europe>>
3) whether you have the desire to perform in any other region (many people
who played the Y2K2 LOOPFEST in Santa Cruz, California made the festival an
excuse to take a vacation. Some even flew in from elsewhere to do so.
<<again, usa or europe>>
and finally,
4) would you be willing to host a fellow looper or loopers at a local venue
(by producing the event yourself) if they came in from out of town to play a
show with you----- the mini-looping festival approach.
<<you betcha>>
Keep in mind that such a performance could just as easily be a free
performance somewhere as a paid gig. Most of our festivals in Northern
California have been free to the public for the sake of educating audiences
and increasingpopularity.
5) would you be willing to put a performer up at your home during the
length of their stay (not to exceed 3, just joking)