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Re: What Looper's Delight is ...

At 03:32 PM 10/1/2002, Scott McGregor Moore wrote:
>Hi Kim,
>I'm sure this isn't what you're looking for - but I'd really appreciate
>having a little (ld) or (LD) at the beginning of the subject lines
>for each post. It's pretty normal on the other lists I subscribe to
>and would help me to zero in on my personal e-mail without
>having to send all the LD schtuff (and there's lots!) into a separate

we don't need to clutter the list with that sort of "idiot feature". It 
drives me nuts that so many list owners gave into that.

This is what filtering and separate mailboxes are for. Just about every 
mail program has filtering. Set up a filter for the to: and cc: field. Any 
mail with the looper's delight address in the to: or cc: field will be an 
LD post. Have your filter send those mails off to an LD mailbox, or 
highlight them a different color, or give them a different priority, or 
a label, or whatever you want to do with them. Very simple.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com