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Re: EDP+ in France

At 01:50 PM 10/19/2002, Stuart Wyatt wrote:
>It was a shame, because the patent holder's looping device is completely 
>different from the Repeater.... geared much more for DJ's, with only Midi 
>clock output.... It has nothing for the live musician to utilise. The 
>Repeater would have no way interfered with his own invention.

no, it's actually pretty similar to the Repeater, and was available a 
couple of years before the Repeater came out:


of course, the DJRND3 can do 42 audio loop tracks, and the Repeater can 
only do 4. I don't think it is very correct to say the DJRND is not suited 
for live musicians, it seems to me live use is exactly what it was 

Emmanuel's technology also appeared in the Cycloops from Red Sound.

Also, the Repeater was also mainly designed for dj's and dance music 
producers, although other musicians found it to be useful for them also...


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com