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RE: Syncing Cakewalk/Sonar to EDP clock...

Note:  All of the following is with Sonar 1, Loop III,v 5.0

|  Symptoms:

| - The manual says you're just supposed to start the sequencer and it will
| wait for MIDI clock and then start itself.  It says "Waiting for MIDI
| Sync..." in the status bar at the bottom of the screen when I press play
| Sonar, but as soon as I step on Record on the EDP footswitch to start
| recording a loop for it to sync to, that message vanishes.  I tried
| MIDI --> Control Source on the EDP to all possible values (controller,
| and off) and nothing changed.

Looking at the midi output from the edp using MIDI-OX
(http://www.midiox.com) it appears that the first message send by the EDP
when you press record (assuming you set ControlSource to off) is 'Stop'.  
guess is that Sonar sees the message and does.  (Leastwise, my copy of 
drops out of record when I press the record button on the EDP.)

| - If I have a loop running on the EDP already, sending MIDI clock, and I
| press play in Sonar it says "Waiting for MIDI Sync..." and sits there
| the clock indicator on the EDP blinks away.

Here, I believe Sonar is waiting for a 'Start' message, which got sent back
when you pressed record.

If you don't mind doing a little bit of programming, you may be able to use
something like KeyKit (http://www.nosuch.com/keykit/) to filter the
Start/Stop messages to something more to Sonar's liking.  I haven't tried
this so I have no idea what it will do to the stability of the MIDI clock
received by Sonar.  (Although I have played around with varying the rate at
which Sonar gets SMPTE messages using KeyKit, and it's kind of interesting
until Sonar give up.)

back to lurking
Dave Hastings
"The trouble with music appreciation in general is that people are
 taught to have too much respect for music; they should be taught to
 love it instead."

 - Igor Stravinsky