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forget Boring Art, read a book

just recieved this from exact mailing list, ive read all these and can
heartily suggest all take advantage of this sale. (they are usually 18-25 
exact change and atlas press have bought out some of the best obscure lit.
What better entertainment for your "safe" room, than cheap copies of
classics from the old Europe?

"Hurt" copies of the following French and German titles are now on
sale for $5 a piece, plus shipping -- these copies are shopworn
(courtesy US corporations such as Borders and Barnes & Noble), but
not yet destroyed.

-- The Heresiarch and Co., by Apollinaire
-- The Blue Octavo Notebooks, by Kafka
-- Hebdomeros, by Chirico
-- Exploits and Opinions of Dr. Faustroll, Pataphysician, by Jarry
-- Aurelia, by Nerval
-- Paris Peasant, by Aragon
-- Maldoror, by Lautreamont
-- Watchfiends and Rack Screams, by Artaud
-- Adventures of Telemachus, by Aragon
-- The Supermale, by Jarry
-- The Poet Assassinated, by Apollinaire
-- Dark Spring, by Zurn
-- PPPPPP, by Schwitters
-- Adventures in Pataphysics, by Jarry
-- Blago Bung, Blago Bung, Bosso Fataka, by Ball, Huelsenbeck, and Serner
-- Bruges-la-Morte, by Rodenbach

And the following Atlas Arkhive "hurts" are available for $7 each --

-- Dada Almanach
-- Encyclopedia Acephalica
-- The Vienna Actionists
-- Raymond Roussel: the Biography

However you order, please remember to include shipping charges, which
are listed on our website order form.

Complete descriptions of each title can also be found on our website: