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Quoting Mark Sottilaro <>: > I have no idea who you talked to in 96, but the EDP was never that > cheap. I remember looking into it around 93 and it was in the Elmore Music in Peoria IL. when i went back when i finally had the money together Dave Plunk (the senior salesman and former bandmate of mine; he wasn't messing with me or anything) told me that the price had gone up and that he was pissed that gibson was "yanking me around on this" (his words). > market. Notice the demise of the Repeater. Cheap? Sure. Really cool the demise of the repeater had much more to do with it's _ridiculous_ marketing and technological comprimises. they wanted to sell it to DJs. the only people who wanted to buy it were musicians. they dragged their ass getting it out the door because they spent _way_too_much_time_ trying to make it do totally pointless things like Loop Point Assist, realtime CFCard storage, and a totally STUPID resample implementation. the work they put on making Resample work the way it does so pisses me off it's not even funny ... it should have been a simple placing of the FX Loop in the feedback path. their desire to make sure that you couldn't get too crazy with Resample must have cost them at least a few weeks of dev time. if they had ditched LPA, put more memory on the motherboard, used CFC only for loop storage, and threw their marketing energy towards musicians purely (instead of DJs) then they'd still be in business and i'd be using a pair of Repeaters now. and not having these huge headaches about where i'm going to go next. > I think most of us love our little secret > looping devices and techniques and this tiny community we've built. looping will inevitably become a commodity performance technique just like sequencing or drum machines. there is no stopping it. musicians who don't have the budget or social connections for large bands have a tendancy to love looping once they've been introduced to it. i've seen the number of loopers in my hometown grow significantly over the past 8 years. like going into the coffee shop (where i got chastised by the owner for playing "weird" music in his establishment, even though I FILLED HIS PLACE and everyone was buying drinks) and seeing a local jazz guitarist with a Boomerang. my new drummer mentioned offhand he had a Boomerang for practising guitar. the indie rock bands that have Headrushes. this isn't even counting the people who don't leave their basement or read LD. HEY GIBSON!! keeping the decade-old technology inside the EDP alive at the cost of moving more units (by continuing to raise the price and barrier to entry) will definitely not keep the number of loopers from growing. they'll just not be buying EDPs. sincerely, lost repeat customer. ------------------------------------------------- This mail sent through IMP: