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Re: Guinness World Record Looping

Hey, God is in the details, buddy.


----- Original Message -----
From: "cameron street" <c.jas@optusnet.com.au>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2003 8:20 PM
Subject: RE: Guinness World Record Looping

> All this is quite funny. i talk about stepping on a headrush
> the wrong way, in the dark by accident, and you guys get all complicated.
> hehe
> I know it's not original or special, it was funny. geez
> OK, i'll get complicated.  i should have said the shortest manually
> loop,
> with no EPD tricks. midi stuff or numbers and shit.
> OK what the longest loop anyone has created? heheh
> cam
> In delay mode and sus with some advanced midi controler (peavey PC1600x
> or digitech pmc 10) you can enter back to back note on / note off that
> give the smallest edp loop midi can give the you can increase the loop
> time by inserting null midi bytes (00) between note on note off
> all hex:  90 26 7f , 90 26 00  note on note off       the smallest
> possible
> 90 26 7f 00 90 26 00   one 00 byte spacer
> 90 26 7f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 26
> 00   a loonger loop with more spacers
> I call that resonator mode
> Claude
> > At 05:40 PM 5/9/2003, Jesse Ray Lucas wrote:
> > >Well, as we learned from Kim and/or Matthias about the EDP, it
> shouldn't be
> > >able to make a loop shorter than 1.5ms, because that's the length of
> time it
> > >takes the software loop to cycle.  Still, good luck hitting the
> Record
> > >button twice in 1.5ms.  Maybe in SUS Record mode...
> >
> > yes, exactly. With SUS Record it is quite easy to get micro loops less
> than
> > 10ms long. Rather than holding the button down, just tap it. The loop
> will
> > be as long as the contacts in the switch touch each other, which is
> not
> > very long. You get loops short enough that the loop repeat rate is
> itself
> > an audible frequency. From there you can multiply them out, insert,
> > replace, overdub, etc. If you use the SUS modes of each of those
> fuctions,
> > you can again drop in micro sized fragments of sound and get a lot of
> > interesting glitchy loops out of it. (see Andre.) This is the granular
> loop
> > idea that was expanded into a whole set of features in the LoopIV
> upgrade
> > for the Echoplex.
> >
> > Another fun idea is to turn the feedback down, leave overdub on (or
> use
> > delay mode), and play an audio source through the echoplex. Drums work
> > well. Then tap the record to get micro-length delays for a comb-filter
> > effect. Each time you re-tap record the delay length will be slightly
> > different, giving a different pitch to the sound. Adjusting the
> feedback
> > changes the decay of it. Its a lot of fun to manipulate this stuff
> live.
> >
> > Sorry Cameron, you didn't invent anything new, or set any records!
> >
> > kim
> >
> >
> > ______________________________________________________________________
> > Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
> > kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com
> >
> >