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ReMote25 v. KP2 (was Re: EMU XL-7 thoughts?)

on 7/5/03 10:22 AM, Mark Sottilaro at sine@zerocrossing.net wrote:

> I must admit that I've been doing almost all my synth
> stuff via the Novation ReMote25 since I got it and my Yamaha G50 guitar
> controller is getting very jealous.

You've also got a Kaoss Pad 2, right? How's the XY controller on the
ReMote25 compared to the KP2? Doesn't the KP2 let you record pad movements
for repeated use? Can you use that to "motion sequence" an external piece 
MIDI gear?

Someone needs to build a MIDI controller keyboard with a built-in step
sequencer and a motion sequencer.

(On the other hand, after reading the July Sound-on-Sound Synth Secrets, an
Analog Solutions French Connection sounds like a lot of fun.)
