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EDP in/out mod

Title: EDP in/out mod
Laurent wrote:

i own 2 EDPs, one oberheim-branded and one gibson-branded. even though
i changed the IN/OUT capacitors on the oberheim -as per kim's EDP pages
recommendation-, i am still not getting the same IN/OUT level as on the
gibson. is there a mod to render them similar?

Hi Laurent,
this is not exactly the topic, but I had the audio path of my Obie EDP modified by Drik Baldringer with very good results: increased treble response, way better headroom and higher output level to boot. He performs this mod on stufdio equipment as well with great results....Maybe Leverkusen/Germany is a little out of your way but maybe other experienced tech's can improve & standardise the performance of your units as well? Justa thought.

Best, Andreas