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Re: SusReplace bug?

as Andy pointed out, do you have the Loop/Delay parameter set to a 
different interface mode? If you are in replace mode or stutter mode, the 
feedback during substitute is set by the knob, while feedback during 
play is set by the pedal. You probably have that parameter set and the 
is turned down a bit. This is an advanced feature to give a lot more 
flexibility for substituting.


At 04:03 AM 1/24/2004, L. Angulo wrote:
>Hi Andy
>sorry i meant SUSSubstitute(i always get replace and
>substitute mixed up)
>I have and EDP with loopIV and programmed this fuction
>via New Direct MIDI.So when i press de button the old
>loop starts fading out slowly instead of being
>substituted right away, while the new one gets
>Any ideas?

Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com