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Re: My first looping performance

Dan -

Cool!  Congratulations!!!

Can I suggest that you try recording the loop-based music you're creating 
this moment?  You may never want to "show it around," which is totally 
but my experience is that first entries into new things yield many really
creative ideas.  Later we get better at a few of them, and forget a few
others.... In a way they are like baby pictures.  They can be embarrassing,
but they are cute and remind us where we came from. :-)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Daniel Mayfield" <bootstick@hotmail.com>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 8:10 AM
Subject: My first looping performance

> Just thought I'd share with all my first looping performance last night,
> were having a jam night down the local pub and I though hey if I can't
> experiment here then were can I?  I used my RC-20 inputting violin into
> track and guitar into another...Played one bum note on the guitar but
> overdubbed enough so it couldn't really be heard, god those wrong notes
> keep coming around and around and around...
> Then once I had the guitars playing I layered the violins over it, people
> my small town hadn't ever seen anything like it, some though I was using
> backing tracks!
> Well I got a real buzz from it and shall work on a set, looping is such
> as I'm sure all you lot know, well thankyou for letting me waffle to you
> Dan
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