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At 10:35 AM -0700 4/8/05, mark sottilaro wrote:

>MIDI can be very confusing.

Only if you don't understand it.

One of the things that probably confuses most people is that most 
commercial software (and hardware in many cases) represents 
MIDI-related data in a fashion that is not strictly MIDI.  For 
instance, a sequencer note list typically displays notes by note name 
(as opposed to MIDI note number) and length (there is no such thing 
as a MIDI note length parameter). Also there are little 
inconsistencies such as indicating program change commands over the 
range of 1-128 (whereas MIDI is 0-127) and conceptual niceties such 
as negative pitch bend values (there are no negative numbers in MIDI).

I never understood MIDI very well until I started working directly 
with the raw data in hex and binary. I suggest that anyone who wants 
to work seriously with MIDI first learn the basics of these number 
systems and study the MIDI Spec.

>My guess is that if you send a value of 127 it would probably work though 
>not tried controlling it via midi like I do my Repeater.

MIDI controller values run the the gamut of 0-127, and theoretically 
any value below 64 should serve as an "off" message and any value of 
64 and above should serve as an "on". But given the inconsistencies 
among manufacturers and software developers it's probably best to use 
values of "0" and "127".

Richard Zvonar, PhD
(818) 788-2202