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hello, my question about repetition was a bit vague and general but i needed to know if i was not fantasizing. i connect with most thoughts, beautiful thoughts posted lately. true that looping tools are useful to have a dialogue with your own imagination. it's also for me a way to have a chat with accidents, stay available for what i didn't plan but comes straight from what i am doing. maybe an equivalent to what's conscious and what's not. so looping 'live' is (so far) for me a way to accept what's coming even if it was not exactly what was expected. like trying to be aware enough to be able to respond or forget. the answer being repetitive or some 'sliced-up potential repetitions' doesn't really matter i think... this process is refreshing for me compared to my recordings where i mostly get rif of things, sort, and slowly organize some chaos i like. i understand it's very subjective to determine what's repetitive and what's not. some tiny variations in a piece apparently repetitive can be moving in all senses if you are in the right state of mind or just open & attentive enough. but also if you like it and accept to connect. it's unfortunately a matter of judgement too. funkyness often comes from frustration: one element is missing or is not exactly where it should, a bit ahead or a beat late on a so called repetitive scale, rhythm, and still this is about playing with repetition, toying something one has memorized, present but like in negative. memorized or cultural. balance, contrast, tension, harmony (...) between what repeats and what doesn't. some loop can last forever, without even evolving, they will still sound comforting, each time different, full of fresh variations or at least possibilities of variations. it's what you project in what you hear. i find myself talking about obvious stuff but that i had somehow forgotten. that's nice. i just hope my english is not too confusing. i'm exited by having that choice to repeat - or not! please don't vote :) but welcome to listen @ - the latest cd is Rob Steady "ask no lies", the previous is Obadia "where does dust come from".. "ask no lies" might have a heavy lack of repetition, but if you can give some attention to the whole record, you will find themes & elements coming back from a track to another - like puzzled. and so you know, live-set should be very different from the records. thanx again for all the inspiring answers to my dumb question. i'm listening to some music i love with another point of view. stéphane > salut, stéphane! > Apparently there is a balance in live between things that repeat and > things that dont. > observing better: > All things repeat, but each repetition is slightly different. > Many things repeat so slowly that we only meet them once in our livetime. > > its all about similarity. > music is held together by the similarity of > what you do right now with what > - your brother does > - you just did > - you did a while ago > - any musician ever did > > so how similar do two things have to be so we still perceive them as > the same thing? > there are some acepted standards but we dont like them because we are > individuals and each one preceives things a bit different... we are > only similar :-) > > what makes the loopers different is not necessarily that they repeat > more but that they study the subject more profoundly. And the tools > help to understand why repetition can be nice and necessary or how > far you can go with it. > > so you decide whether you repeat or not > but the other decide whether they want to listen to you or call you a > looper or invite you for a loop party :-) > > Welcome here and send us a link to some sound files eventually, so we > can vote on whether you repeat or not :-) > > Matthias > > >>Recycling existing material is not necessarily repeating what was played >>originally. A few things I¹ve tried..... > > nice list Jeremy! > but any function will change what you originaly did > so yes, we like variations, some more, some less. > Mute and Reverse are to hard changes for me, but FB allowes me to evolve. > > >>Using feedback pedal or swell pedal to fade notes into the loop >>Output volume down until your curiosity gets the better of you. >>Dropping straight into reverse after record, feedback at zero >>Play insert, scroll backwards and forwards over section (rec/play) >>Play insert in rhythm with half-speed function (rec/play) >>Play mute button rhythmically (start and continuous) >>The substitute button >>Flip mode >>Processing the sends to loopers >>Processing the returns from the loopers >>Sending dry only or wet only to the loopers >>The off switch >>Pitch shift on Repeater >>³Plate spinning² i.e. Constantly maintaining/remaking a loop. >>Taking time to play before looping a phrase only loop when you need to >>Play ratty little noises, play quietly, leave space, orchestrate >> >>I¹m sure there¹s more. What I hope to achieve by these techniques is that >>the listener will not recognize the loop as what has just been played >> it¹s >>a new thing. >> >>Best wishes >> >>Jeremy >> >>jeremy >> >> >> >> >>> >>> >>> Oh yeah, to loop is to repeat-- >>> Depending on how much presence of mind you have left, variations can >>> be >>> achieved--but it always involves recycling existing material. >>> What's your opinion? >>> Gary >>> >>> >>> >>> > > > -- > > > ---> > >