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Re: sound mangling...

On Oct 18, 2005, at 5:19, Tim Thompson wrote:
> I'd be interested to know of any live VST-hosting environments
> that can randomize VST effect parameters.  It's easy
> to implement and can be lots of fun.
>      ...Tim...

Just want to add that Ableton Live can also randomize VST effect  
parameters. It's done by using "Follow Action" settings of "Clips". A  
"Clip" is a, mostly looping, chunk of control data (can be Audio or  
MIDI as well). The Follow Action will let you define a point in the  
loop where the playback is shifted to another Clip and you are also  
able to set the probability for this to occur and of course an  
alternative if the shift should not happen. The most useful  
alternative is to shifting playback for another clip is "replay from  
start" (of the same clip). Then it will again reach the point of the  
random action and maybe takes a different path from there. This is of  
course not total random because you have to load the Clips with  
curves for changing different VST parameters, but if you create  
enough such clips it gets quite non-predictable.

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen
www.looproom.com (international)
www.boysen.se (Swedish)
--->  iTunes Music Store (digital)