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Re: Programming the Behringer FCB1010 for Echoplex use, a quick guide

This is what I used...you might want to test my steps. I just programmed
mine for both Volume and Feedback control.



  1.. Press the PRESET button (e.g., whatever you use to trigger Record on
your EDP)  for which you want to program either expression pedal A or B for
  2.. Press and hold down the DOWN switch
  3.. Press the UP switch
  4.. Press button 8 or 9 (Expression Pedal A or B), whatever you want to
use to control volume
  5.. Press UP to confirm
  6.. Use Expression Pedal A to set your controller value for that
expression pedal (use what is set in the EDP control panel in VolumeCont)
  7.. Press UP to confirm
  8.. Use Express Pedal A to set the minimum value (e.g. 0)
  9.. Press UP to confirm
  10.. Use Expression Pedal A to set the maximum volume value (e.g., 127)
  11.. Press UP to confirm
  12.. Press and hold the Down button to Exit
Repeat steps 1-12 for other PRESET buttons (whatever you use for Overdub,
Multiply, Reverse, etc.whatever button you want associated with that volume
change function when that button is lit up


1.       Press the PRESET button (e.g., whatever button you use to trigger
Record on your EDP)  for which you want to program either expression pedal 
or B for feedback

2.       Press and hold down the DOWN switch

3.       Press the UP switch

4.       Press button 8 or 9 (Expression Pedal A or B), whatever you want 
use to control feedback

5.       Press UP to confirm

6.       Use Expression Pedal A to set your controller value (use what is
set in the EDP control panel in FeedBkCont)

7.       Press UP to confirm

8.       Use Express Pedal A to set the minimum value (e.g. I use 106 to 
a gradual fade-out of my loops when I pull the expression pedal all the way

9.       Press UP to confirm

10.   Use Expression Pedal A to set the maximum volume value (e.g., 127)

11.   Press UP to confirm

12.   Press and hold the Down button to Exit

Repeat steps 1-12 for other PRESET buttons (those you use for Overdub,
Multiply, Reverse, etc.whatever button you want associated with that
feedback change function when that button is lit up

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Travis Hartnett" <travishartnett@gmail.com>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2005 9:04 PM
Subject: Fwd: Programming the Behringer FCB1010 for Echoplex use, a quick

I thought you could set the min and max values for the CC pedals for
each patch--I'll check that and report back.  I always wanted an
analog resistor box for feedback with like four settings--100%, 80%,
50% and 25% since those seemed to be the ones I used.


On 10/30/05, .David.Auker. <DaVAuk@hevanet.com> wrote:
> Kris Hartung wrote:
> >Now what would be ideal are steps to make exp. pedals A and B control
> >feedback and volume...I did already but forgot how I did it!
> >
> Is there any way for FCB Presets to set Feedback at some precise
> "favorite" levels as the foot rocking on the Expression Pedal is a bit
> of an inexact move (for me, anyway!).   I'm currently doing it with a
> regular expression pedal plugged into the EDP...works fairly well, but
> it gets funky to inadvertently dip down into some low numbers, then
> change, as it makes a "spike."
> .David.