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Hello, I use a Boss RC-20 for live looping and it works great. I would like to incorporate a drum machine into my shows. I've tried pre-recording drum loops, but I want to be able to manipulate the drum machine separately. I know that there are loopers with MIDI out there(RC50, EHX 2880), and this would help a lot...but they are also the most expensive ones and have features I do not need. The 16 Second Delay is no good, because you have to pre-set the tempo, and I like the Push-Play-Push style of live looping. I was even hoping there would be something with a BPM setting that I can use to match the tempo of the drum machine. I don't need multiple tracks or phrases. Just something simple like the RC20, JamMan, or Bomerang. I have not found anything after a lot of searching. If anyone knows of any product, even vintage or discontinued, please let me know. Also, if anyone has used the RC20 with a drum machine, I would like to know what strategies you used to help them sync up. Thanks, Javier Puga