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Re: "Instrument" vs "Effect"

I love conversations like this!

Consider this:

Male vocal singing pre Mic/PA technology was mostly
done in falsetto.  Why?  A baratone male couldn't cut
through a band.  This is the way it was.  I believe
Bing Crosby was one of the first popular male singers
of modern times that sung in a natural range.  Why?
Because he used an "effect."  Tech.  Lo-tech to our
rapidly cyborg approaching ways, but tech none the
less.  It changed music... and then there was the
electric guitar....

--- Krispen Hartung <khartung@cableone.net> wrote:

> Yep, that's the beauty of language....we can do just
> about anything we want, but whether we'll be able to
> communicate with people is a different matter. 
> Theoretically, we could redefine every word in our
> local language and be able to communicate, so long
> as we all carried our dictionaries around with us. 
> There seems to be one common theme with this, which
> is that the closer we get to value-based, highly
> personal, or controversial subject matter, the more
> diverse or fuzzy become the definitions of terms and
> phrases.  For instance, although we could force
> ourselves to do this, we probably wouldn't spend a
> whole discussion thread on what we mean by the term
> "red".  Though, on a painter's forum, they  might
> very well do this, going into different shades,
> whether burnt auburn is red, or whether certain
> shades are orange-red or reddish-orange, etc.
> So, how does one define "instrument" in this forum?
> I'd say the number of definitions is about directly
> proportionate to the number of people who would
> respond to that question...and then let the games
> begin! (Language Games, that is).
> Kris
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Daryl Shawn 
>   To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com 
>   Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 2:56 PM
>   Subject: Re: "Instrument" vs "Effect"
>   "Just linguistic gymnastics", says the
> record holder?
>   ;-) 
>   Daryl Shawn
>   www.swanwelder.com
>      We can define terms easy enough so that an
> effects unit is not an instrument...that's just
> linguistic gymnastics; but whether an effects box is
> an instrument in the same way as a guitar is a
> different matter. We are getting into categories of
> instrumnetation of varying degrees. Okay, it's half
> an instrument, and I'm half a musician by playing
> it. Heh heh.... 
>     Kris 

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