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Re: Looping vocals

At 12:11 PM -0500 9/8/06, Henry Heine wrote:
>neil thomas wrote:
>>I also want an A/B/Y box so that I can switch the input between 
>>guitar and beatbox or both.
>....Then just use any old A-B-Y footswitch to route those.

Just a quick side note on something you might not have thought about, 
Neil: you may want to be a little more particular than just "any old" 
A/B/Y switch.  Most are rather simply constructed and give out an 
audible pop when switched.

This is usually not a problem for the average guitarist simply using 
an A/B to switch between amps for a lead line, for instance. 
However, for a Live Looper it's a little more of a consideration.  If 
you're in the middle of recording a loop and need to use the 
switcher, you're going to inadvertently record a *THAK* into the 
middle of your loop (which, of course, will repeat again and again 
with every pass of the loop -- rather annoyingly).

Spring for one of the higher quality A/B/Y's with optical switches. 
I've got a Whirlwind that works rather well.  Regardless of the 
model, just make certain you check out the reviews on Harmony Central 
before you put down any money.  The truly silent boxes costs more, 
but it's better than having to constantly re-record messed up loops.

"Behind every fear lies a wish, don't you think...?"