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Re: the side effects of looping

Dan said,

> Do any of you guys know what I'm talking about?

Heheheh. From personal experience, I can only wish I did. 

Since I could never sing and play at the same time (even now after 45 
years of guitaring and 25 years of loping) I never really got into "songs" 
and such -- as far as my own playing goes anyway.

I love a good "song" as much as the next person. But it's always been 
beyond me to put one together -- or at least to do so AND to perform it.

I've been looping now for just a few years short of half as long as I've 
been alive.

I started looping mostly because it seemed to fit into my limitations and 
the way my brain naturally works.

I organise "tunes" and "compositions" in a sort of sideways to normal 
manner anyway -- if I do so at all (even when I'm not looping).

Mostly I just extemporize.

I can try to understand a little bit how somone could get "out of the 
habit" of doing things a certain way because of looping.

But mostly I have only experienced benefits from the practice.

I can't lose a facility that I never actually had.

I admire the heck out of people who can write a good song though -- most 
of all because I can't.

Just thought I'd toss in my 2 cents.


tEd ® kiLLiAn

"Different is not always better, but better is always different"

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and Viztas. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Blah, blah, blah. So???

---- Dan Katayama <dan.katayama@gmail.com> wrote: 
> I've gotten so used to "looping" music that it's now really a part of "my
> sound".
> It's a way for me to express what I am feeling in its purest form.  I 
> really think about what I'm doing,
> I don't calculate, so if I can just get a moment of what I feel on tape, 
> pretty happy.
> But from an instrumentation perspective, or creative aspect, I lose the
> opportunity to "push the envelope" with my music.
> And that is actually my choice.  I want to leave my music in its most
> natural form possible, mistakes and all.
> But I still wanted to put myself in a situation where I had no control.
> So I joined a band on the side.  A kind of wierd rock band.  And I feel 
> of control each time I play with them,
> and it has been exciting as hell.
> But I've come to notice, that I've lost the ability to "write" with a 
> If they give me an idea, I can contribute, but to sit there and "write"
> spontaneously has been difficult.
> Because I'm still thinking in layers..I'm thinking slow...and somehow 
> lost something.
> Do any of you guys know what I'm talking about?
> -- 
> kosukeweb
> http://home.comcast.net/~kkatayama76