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Re: OT: MIDI CC Resolution (was: Considering building an ultimate looper...)

Quoting cpr@musetrap.com:
>  You are correct.. I had forgotten about that, and did not continue
> forth in my reading once I thought I had my answer.. :)

Hey, thanks for the verification that I'd read the spec correctly.  But 
I'd say,
given the current state of controllers out there, that the original 
you hit upon is the most compatible, since most pedals can be set to 
Pitch Wheel.  I'd wonder if there are any pedals other than the ones that 
mentioned that will even merely transmit proper MSB/LSB Mod Wheel, rather 
dumbing it down to MSB only.

>  So, I think, instead of the a new ultimate looper, we need an
>  ultimate midi pedal.. which is not a new topic either.. :)

I heard you there!  The sad thing is that I've actually gone through and 
some design work for a MIDI widget that could fairly easily incorporate
something like this.  Problem is, while I can put stuff together on paper, 
know crap about programming embedded systems or, for that matter, doing
hardware manufacture in general.  I've played at fabricating some boutique
stompbox 'ideas', but that's a fur piece from what would be required for 
circuit of a data project like the one I've in mind.  Ah well....  :P


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