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Re: OT: MIDI CC Resolution

Thanks for getting the math right Stefan.. :) I was thinking while I was 
and oviously doing more typing than thinking when I simply doubled the 
lol.. :)


Quoting Stefan Tiedje <Stefan-Tiedje@addcom.de>:

> cpr@musetrap.com schrieb:
> > So, I think, instead of the a new ultimate looper, we need an
> > ultimate midi pedal.. which is not a new topic either.. :) a device
> > where the knobs, sliders, and/or pedals have the ability to send not
> > only standard midi, but the ability to pair up CC's for the improved
> > resolution.. of course, since we are moving out of the 'spec', we
> > could go as far as combining more than 2 CC's for an even greater
> > resolution...
> This isn't moving out of the specs, 14-bit controllers are well defined.
> But resolution isn't a problem with foot pedals, I doubt you could
> control more than the 128 steps with your foot. Its about the curve on 
> how you control parameters. If you want finer resolution on the low end, 
> you need to be able to shape it somehow...
> If you linearly map 96 dB to 128 steps, you'd have less than one dB of
> resolution per step. But half way through you have already -48 dB
> compared to full blast, which is in a noise environment already silence.
> Now if you'd just map 48 dB to 128 steps, you have a problem in the low
> end, you need a nonlinear mapping to feel comfortable. Even if you push
> the resolution to 16384 steps (14-bit) it won't help with the curve....
> > timing becomes more important as we chain the commands together, as a
> > full CC message on midi hardware takes 1ms to make it's trip... but,
> > if the sending device correctly supports 'running status' the two CC 
> > version will only take 1.6ms, instead of 2ms.. and if we jumped up up
> > to a 4 message CC (for a 32766 resolution) it would be 2.8ms
> A 4 message CC would spans 28-bits wich is 268435455 resolution (3 
> messages would span 2097151 steps)
> I have no idea what this should be good for. Usually the highest 
> resolution on faders you get on commercial fader boxes is 10-bit, for 
> two reasons. You can't really control it more precise (its 1024 steps) 
> and you'd likely have noise on the line, which would let the MSB 
> fluctuate and you'd stream Midi always and not only if you change 
> something meaningful...
> The timing by the way is much less critical on continuous controllers, 
> you don't hit them like drums...
> > While we are talking about controllers, I think coming up with a
> > pedal that can have it's current position set (like knobs with halos,
> > or motorized faders) would be cool as well.. Nate Pease and I talked
> > about a 'roller' with the current position represented by LED's (like
> > the knob with halo)...
> I like that idea a lot, and I recall that I have seen something like 
> that somewhere...
> Stefan
> -- 
> Stefan Tiedje------------x-------
> --_____-----------|--------------
> --(_|_ ----|\-----|-----()-------
> -- _|_)----|-----()--------------
> ----------()--------www.ccmix.com

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