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ALAN HOLDSWOTH.....i have known of him for a long time but have never heard his music.....saw his show about 2 weeks ago and was impressed by his seemed that most of his tunes started with some MIGHTY BIG ABSTARCT CHORDS, i really didn't understand where he was going with this, i heard very little melody and outside of the "impossible" stretching of his left hand fingers i was not too moved by this.....THEN>>>>>improv to the max.....30 sec., 60 sec., eternal single note runs, very impressive, very dexterous, amazed the was moving the first few times, like wow! this cat can blow but after several similiar tunes i became bored......please let this be the last tune i kept thinking.....i guess i am no longer impressed by a gazillion notes a brain was fed but my emotions went hungry THE BEARS.....never heard them before (yes i live in a cave and only listen to looping music).....i am aware of adrian belew's work with K.C. and the folks i was with told me that this would be a bit more "poppy".....shucks i thought, i want the whammy frammmy shammmy crazy stuff.....IT WAS THERE! in aces.....what a fun bunch of players, i have never seen more smiles on stage in my life, these guys really seemed to be enjoying themselves to the max.....i was drawn in like a moth to a flame.....all 4 players wrote tunes so there was a variety of music and plenty of it, bang, bang, bang nonstop more notes per dollar was a small venue and after the show the band came and hung with the audience and THANKED them for coming, how nice! lastly.....KLOBUCHAR.....spoke with this band and he said "after we clean and re-wire our studio we will finally use our new digital recorder and create some bofo music, but now get the f**k out of here I WANT TO LOOP!".....perhaps he will learn a second chord after he gets up and running as he has beatin the A- to death.....matt davignon at y2k6 said something to the effect that KLOBUCHAR was getting old and grumpy, boy do i agree with him! i wish i was in boise!.....break many legs everyone xoxo! ________________________________________________________________________ AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at