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Re: NJ Looping Festival

Tony hey what is Scottish Rite Cathedral that sounds rather a cool setting for a festival?  Godfrey D... has been hard to get in pitching a solo act but then again maybe they might dig a festival.  I think we (myself, David and Andrew) have been thinking more like a school or church facility but I'm sure remain open.

On 6/6/07, Tony K <bigtonyk@gmail.com> wrote:
Godfrey Daniels?  Muhlenberg's Baker Center? Civic Theater on 19th st? Scottish Rite Cathedral? 

There should be something around.


On 6/6/07, Bill Fox <billyfox@soundscapes.us > wrote:
Tony K wrote:
> You did the soundscape shows at the Icehouse in Bethlehem, didn't you?  How
> was that?  Nice place?  Bethlehem is only an 1.5 hour drive from NYC.
> Bethlehem is a nice town.  And they love their music (Musikfest and
> NEARFest)
Yes I did... until they started requiring a $1,000,000 liability
policy.  The cost is greater than ticket sales, effectively putting me
out of business until <drum roll> I find a new venue!  The Ice House is
a great venue and will be hard to beat.

shit  :(



The Acoustic World Guitar of Jim Goodin  - http://www.jimgoodinmusic.com
MySpace (solo) - http://www.myspace.com/jimgoodinmusic
Chinapainting -
Chinapainting on My Space -
The Jim Goodin label and home for 7 other creative souls - http://www.woodandwiremusic.com
Jim Goodin uses GHS Strings - http://www.ghsstrings.com and Seagull Guitars - http://www.seagullguitars.com, Jim Goodin is published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. - http://www.melbay.com

Associates and friends on the web -
Daryl Shawn -
Adam Werner - http://www.adamwerner.com
John Stowell - http://www.johnstowell.com
Matt Richards - http://www.mattrichardsmusic.net
Michael Manring - http://www.manthing.com
Will Ackerman - http://www.williamackerman.com
New Land Music - http://www.newlandmusic.com