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Re: Michael Manring and Andy Mckee and lots more lightly touched upon FYI as needed or not? Peace

Wow Bob!!!  Thats great that you have had such wonderful opportunities too 
congrats on those
blessings.  Michael has played with my good friend Andy Mckee several 
times as well.  They are all
on my myspace friends lists if you want to network additionally if you 
have not already?  I played
at around 2 am at Winfield Kansas with Andy, jammin on While My Guitar 
Gently Weeps, thanks to the
kindness of now IFC (International Fingerstyle Champion) Don Alder letting 
me borrow one of his
brand new custom guitars!  I am internationally certified through Roberto 
Venn School of Luthiery
to professionally repair anything made of wood and glue and everything 
above and below those
elements. This includes the written signatures of William Eaton, John 
Reuter, Joe Vallee, Robert
"Mud" Mazzulo, Frank Ford, Rick Turner "Alembic" and Jack Schwartz 
Fender/Jacksons best
technicians.  Im also trained by some of Paul Reed Smiths finest and many 
others who did workshops
with additional continuing education seminars. Im currently working on 
sevral new design
prototypes inbetween repairs and writing new material for websites and 
professionals as needed
studio work.  I also do part time land surveying, and work for the mental 
health agency.  It may
sound like I have a lot of work but its just not enough and I have 
continued to do occasional live
spontaneous radio compositions for advertising and even live TV 
appearances but just barely making
it with house payments.  But I celebrate being able to live with less I 
will adapt and overcome
regardless I am thankful for what I have (exceptionally wonderful friends 
in the Universe) I am
thankful also to what I have been able to accomplish in my life so far and 
look forward to what
the Universe still has to offer us!  Much more good things to come in 
Eagle Dawn as well :o)
All the best, Daniel T. Albertini
I invite you to my facebook world too as well! Have a Happy loopin 
--- Chris Sewell <lunamusic@mac.com> wrote:

> I can do this with my Variax. Plus switch to Resonater or 12 string or  
> a strat. Also the VG can do it very well.
> The dowside of the Gibson, is well, it's a gibson. When I was selling  
> guitars, our shop would send back 40% of the Gibson Instruments. When  
> there good, there great. But if you have a problem, there customer  
> service is a nightmare.
> On Jan 13, 2008, at 9:57 PM, Rick Walker wrote:
> > Bob Weigel wrote:
> > "But I think the whole idea is...with the Robo you can just hit a  
> > button
> > while you are playing the thing and have it go drop D tuning for  
> > instance"
> >
> > This is exactly what is exciting about this invention.   In that  
> > sense, it allows
> > one (as with something like an Echoplex) to make music that has  
> > never been made before.
> >
> > Touring briefly with Michael Manring,   it was wonderful to see the  
> > new music for bass
> > that he is creating by using hipshot D-tuners on all four strings of  
> > his Zon Hyperbass.
> > (I think he also has some kind of customized mechanical retuning  
> > bridge as well,
> > but I'm not sure how he uses it-----anyone want to chime in here?)
> >
> > He will play beautiful ringing harmonic passages and then flip a D- 
> > tuner on one or more
> > strings and the Harmonics will gliss down to their new tuning , as  
> > they are ringing out.
> >
> > It's an ethereal and beautiful effect.
> >
> > He makes music I've never heard from any other bassist that I've  
> > heard live or on record.
> > One could be cyncial as say , well, it's just a gimmick or a trick,   
> > but then again,
> > so is a hammer on,  or a harmonic or flamenco flail, or, or,  
> > or........
> >
> > I have a really beautiful capo called a 'Rolling Capo' that you can  
> > barr chord
> > retune in the middle of a passage, which is really cool as well.
> >
> > One beautiful thing about this (and I am a very primitive string  
> > player so I'm no expert)
> > is that the harmonics change on the instrument as you change the  
> > tuning.
> >
> > If you are playing against a loop in the initial tuning of the  
> > instrument, this allows for
> > all kinds of reharmonizations that you never hear on a straigth  
> > single tuned string instrument.
> >
> > The same thing can be approximated using false harmonics but the  
> > harmonics on an open tuned
> > instrument just resonate wonderfully and sound better imho.
> >
> > I also found this interesting capo called a 'Third Hand Capo'  that  
> > allows you to fret (or not fret)
> > anyone one of your six strings,  throwing the instrument into a new  
> > open tuning.
> >
> > I've been experimenting with using the rolling capo to capo up the  
> > guitar and then changing the
> > tuning above the capo with the 'Third Hand Capo".
> >
> > Anyone know of any partial Capos that are out there?
> >
> > Are there dulcimer Capos, perchance?     I'm able to use capos on my  
> > two strumsticks (which are like
> > walking dulcimers to produce really beautiful harmonic results   
> > (frequently modal ones, just becuase
> > I love the sound of modal harmony and it's easy to  
> > play..............lol).

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