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Re: My Revised MAX/MSP Looping/Effects Rig

> > Well, I finally did it.  In my quest to selfishly spend more time with
> my 
> > instrument (guitar), more time actually playing, and less time 
> > with and staring at the damn computer while playing (which looks 
> > absolutely ridiculous in my opinion)

I'm glad somebody finally said this!!
If I ever move to a laptop (which I'm still resisting... ;-) it will 
definetely be a setup where the damn thing will simply stay _closed_ once 
and forever. Shure, tweaking some computer knobs might seem cool.
But really, isn't music (also) about making a connection with the 
audience? Sitting completely self-absorbed and remote in front of a 
computer is not my thing. At least it sucks my attention completely - I 
wouldn't wanna have that.

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