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Hi all,
Believe me, I' no label-nazi . . . honest!
Nor am I especially academic (although I was once the President of the L.A. chapter of SEAMUS).
I'm only partly "experimental" on certain occasions and in certain company (or at certain venues) . . . or when it suits me.
Ant that really isn't al that often.
Mostly my music is an electronic wild-eyed howl at the moon . . . truth be told (heheh).
And at heart . . . I'm actually a "folkie" . . . just one from a different planet and/or dimention.
But I wrote what I did earlier because a lot of us seem to think/act/talk exactly like I described in my previous email.
1) I've got a guitar, an eBow and/or a looper and a (latest effect of the month) . . . so I must be an experimental musician . . . or
2) I only play improvised music (make it up as I go along) . . . so I must be an experimental musician . . . or (heheh)
3) I play music that no one understand or likes . . . so I must be an experimental musician.
See what I mean?
I've been guilty of it myself at various times in my musical journey (oftener than I care to admit).
Geeze, I bought my first eBow in 1980 (one of the old chrome jobbers).
And any device that has been around for 28 years is not all that cutting-edge.
tEd ® kiLLiAn
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. - Mark Twain
Ted Killian's "Flux Aeterna" is also available at Apple iTunes
On Nov 5, 2008, at 6:18 PM, Mikkoz wrote:
Personal experimentation is really fun and certainly can help one grow, but it may or may not break new ground for the body of work in your field.
Doesn't sound as fun anymore, does it? 8-) Really, most of these labels are just convenient ways to attract an audience.