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Because I went on an ambitious 2 month european looping solo tour this summer (which took me about 6 months of preparation and an additional month of decompression) to accomplish, I had much less time to produce the Y2K8 Looping festival than in the past five years or so. Consequently, I was really exhausted when it was over and am just now finally coming back to my energetic, upbeat self. What I have sorely neglected to do in that decompression phase is to properly thank all the people who made this festival the best one we've ever had from an artistic standpoint (we had less that record numbers of audience this year but some of that is attributable to the downturn in the world economy I think). Anway, This amazing community event would not have happened with out the incredibly selfless dedication of the following people who were my staff this year: THANKS to my STAFF: Ted Killian Festival graphics designer/poster designer/t-shirt designer (who worked for no fee whatsoever) Krispen Hartung Our intrepid webmaster for our home base for the festival (who worked for no fee) Chris Roberts (aka CPR) Who hosts our website for free Megabyte Mike Our hardworking sound man (who redesigned our sound system for the first time in 8 years) Jeff Sloan The sound engineer for the world famous Kuumbwa Jazz Center who came in at the last minute and helped out with everything that needed to be done from room preparation to sound mixing augmentation to dragging a large latter to refocus the room lights all the way to and from the Kuumbwa Rodent Our wonderful stage manager who did his job so well that I hardly noticed him this year................that says volumes Chris Cohn, who manned and coordinated the door and concession tables Gretchen McPherson who manned the door and did the concessions with the help of a few other volunteers Glenn Smith Who helped out with logistics, transportation, taking shifts on the door and was an overall mensch Bill Walker Who provided part of the sound system and loaded in an out (and who provided housing to three visiting artists) Chris Wedertz and Nancy Levan Who provided housing, food, cleaned the venue, and loaded out at the end and were just wonderfully supportive spouses to Bill and I when we were overwhelmed with it all which happened a lot! Mark Hamburg For being our wonderful festival photographer. He and Ted came all the way from Washington and Oregon to accomplish this. Bob Beede For making the huge festival posters for free at Gavilan College where he runs the Digital Media Center Michael Horne For graciously letting us rent his intimate facility. Thanks for FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS I would also like to profusely thank the extreme generosity of Bob Amstadt (our festival sponsor and owner of Looperlative) Bill Putnam (owner of Universal Audio) Jeff Larson (coder of Mobius, the freeware version of the Gibson Echoplex) I was also overwhelmed by the generosity of the entire community who responded quickly and generously, financially, when I posted that we had recieved only 10% of past donations for the festival this year. All of these people contributed money which allowed the festival to pay it's staff and, what a concept, me for at least a part of the many weeks I dedicated to the festival. This was a first and it was such a relief to not go into the red as I was sure was going to happen this year. I'd like to thank (in descending order of their financial contribution): James Whittmore John Johnson (aka JRJ) Sjaak Overgaauw (who will producing the first Live Looping Festival in Belgium next summer) Xavier of Gordius Mark Francombe (who though having to cancel his festival appearance at the last moment due to unfortunate health issues with his wife in Norway, still contributed very generously Todd Renolds Kevin Kissinger Art Simon Harry Weinberg David Sackman David Gans Stan Card Jim Goodin Matthias Grob Daniel Ash and all the people who bought T-shirts, whose proceeds helped us out too, this year. This is an amazing community..................................if I failed to mention anyone, please write me off list and I'll correct that ASAP