I suspect that one doesn't realize just how many other people
on the planet have your name until such branding notions occur.
Obviously I feel dubious about "Steve Goodman" despite being born in New
Orleans; there are a ton of "Stephen Goodman"s out there but finally I figured
the same solution as samba did:
"Stephen Goodman" originally was it, and
did ambient-situational or soundtrack music;
"SP Goodman" := more mainstream guitarwork, still (oh oh)
'electronic' and looping;
(unannounced) := (unannounced music/style) (via old archives
and/or PDQ Bach);
Now the first two get combined when I feel the need to
"SP". My friends call me Steve.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 2:10
Subject: Re: Art/Discipline
On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 2:53 PM, samba - <sambacomet@hotmail.com>
"....makes it more difficult to market oneself to the world at large because this approach encourages a lot of stylistic diversity which makes it tough for people to": categorize your recordings in record stores and online."
One solution is to create multiple personalities/bands/brands etc. and market different identities in different ways to different target tribes,audiences (or audients for Really exclusive musical cults).
I am planning to do exactly this. At some point.
I like to get a few of my personas to collaborate as a band
This approach also makes it easier to kill off a persona and get the promo advantage of being dead,without having to actually die.
one! Love it.