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Re: OT: was back pain, now mouse-hand pain

I'm really glad to see some chatter about this on THU, MAY 14, 2009
and its neither here/there but this really a fundamental on topic to
us all sooner/later.  I'm 53, have made most of my living moving mice
since '92 plus as many have played music since I was a kid in some
capacity.  Knock on wood I've been pretty lucky though I do get some
tendinitus or tennis elbow in my left arm occasionally as well as
sometimes wrist pain.

I do some random yoga and stretching and 'wrist pumps' to ward off
things as well as rotating computer pos etc and if really bad a I stop
playimg for a few days which is emotionally harder than hell.

A violinist that has had some influence on me wrote a wonderful book
for musicians called 'You Are your instrument' tjat I highly
recommend.  its pb and from 13.57 on amazon.  Her name is julie lyonn

Stretch stretch.


On 5/14/09, Sylvain Poitras <sylvain.trombone@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've suffered from musculoskeletal disorders in the past...  never again.
> Setting up your office properly is crucial to avoid injury.  So is taking
> breaks, stretching, diversifying your tasks.  See below for some advice 
> setting up your office:
> Sylvain
> On 5/14/09, tEd ® KiLLiAn <tedkillian@charter.net> wrote:
>> Tilmann,
>> I'm sure others will come up with a variety of very good solutions and
>> suggestions too.
>> I used to suffer with pain and fatigue in my right arm and shoulder from
>> using a mouse (I'm right-handed).
>> I'm a graphic designer and make a living with my computer, so I couldn't
>> very well stop feeding my family.
>> Now I use a track ball (a Kensington Orbit) and have none of that
>> difficulty whatsoever.
>> Sometimes it's not that you have to stop doing what you're doing, but
>> change something a little so you're using different muscles.
>> Good luck!
>> Ted
>> On May 13, 2009, at 10:08 PM, Tilmann Dehnhard wrote:
>> dear fellow loopers, please be very careful with the computer mouse.
>>> after mixing a recording using almost only the mouse i had terrible 
>>> in the hand and inflammation around the elbow. my right hand got slow 
>>> kind of numb. i changed to the left hand for a year. took some serious
>>> conditioning to stop reaching for the mouse with the right hand...
>>> today i am able to switch hands whenever fatigue and stress build up.
>>> letting go of the mouse when not in use and simply moving and massaging
>>> the fingers regularly has helped me, too.
>>> one of the main problems is that the mouse-clicking finger joints do
>>> experience stress from the operation. unfortunately the movement is too
>>> small to trigger blood circulation and other recreative measures 
>>> maintained by the body.
>>> this was discovered when a condition surfaced called the "sms-thumb" - 
>>> terrible stinging pain in the thumb from using cellulars for messaging.
>>> best - tilmann

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