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Re: OT: was back pain, now mouse-hand pain

I finally found one of these sitting in a guys ceiling in cape town-http://www.drumframe.com/  this is gona solve a lot of probs for me. makes to much sense to ignore. for some reason I coudnt get any response from them tho....not sure whats up with them

I also really love my inversion table http://www.inversion.co.za/ Just climb on this baby and go into breathwork and you can release so much. Starting out my patients on it at the beginning of every session now and having good results.

And a great lover of non-force chiropractic, kineseology and the new technique captivating my mind www.torquereleasetechnique.com(.au). This philosophy is sound

But yeah Jim. Stretch stretch and more stretch but one must find the stretch, relax into it and BREATHE. If you not relaxed the stretch is compromised. 

And this is my all time favorite! http://www.med-advantage.de/fpz_3d.htm
I hope to ship one of these units out to include in my rehab centre. Im gona call the therapy LOOP therapy haha

I have just bought one that attaches to a trailer to take to events etc...my new BIZ gamble. Very excited to line the three rings with glo-toob Leds. Its gona be a visual spectacular. Also thinking about doing a flaming human gyroscope show hehe 3 rings one man and whole lot of flaming Loopage..but that needs some thinking.

but I am extremely proud to be driving around capetown with a Giant loop attached to my car hehe. For a man who has become obsessed with loops since joining this list, this brings a big smile to my face. I'll get some pics of the unit up sometime for you guys to check it out, and will definately steal someones vid cam when I set the thing a flame.


Byron R Howell

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 5:16 PM, Jim Goodin <jimgoodinmusic@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm really glad to see some chatter about this on THU, MAY 14, 2009
and its neither here/there but this really a fundamental on topic to
us all sooner/later.  I'm 53, have made most of my living moving mice
since '92 plus as many have played music since I was a kid in some
capacity.  Knock on wood I've been pretty lucky though I do get some
tendinitus or tennis elbow in my left arm occasionally as well as
sometimes wrist pain.

I do some random yoga and stretching and 'wrist pumps' to ward off
things as well as rotating computer pos etc and if really bad a I stop
playimg for a few days which is emotionally harder than hell.

A violinist that has had some influence on me wrote a wonderful book
for musicians called 'You Are your instrument' tjat I highly
recommend.  its pb and from 13.57 on amazon.  Her name is julie lyonn
lieberman www.amazon.com/Your-Instrument-Julie-Lyonn-Lieberman/dp/1879730200.

Stretch stretch.


On 5/14/09, Sylvain Poitras <sylvain.trombone@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've suffered from musculoskeletal disorders in the past...  never again.
> Setting up your office properly is crucial to avoid injury.  So is taking
> breaks, stretching, diversifying your tasks.  See below for some advice on
> setting up your office:
> http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/occup-travail/checklist-aidememoire-eng.php
> Sylvain
> On 5/14/09, tEd ® KiLLiAn <tedkillian@charter.net> wrote:
>> Tilmann,
>> I'm sure others will come up with a variety of very good solutions and
>> suggestions too.
>> I used to suffer with pain and fatigue in my right arm and shoulder from
>> using a mouse (I'm right-handed).
>> I'm a graphic designer and make a living with my computer, so I couldn't
>> very well stop feeding my family.
>> Now I use a track ball (a Kensington Orbit) and have none of that
>> difficulty whatsoever.
>> Sometimes it's not that you have to stop doing what you're doing, but
>> change something a little so you're using different muscles.
>> Good luck!
>> Ted
>> On May 13, 2009, at 10:08 PM, Tilmann Dehnhard wrote:
>> dear fellow loopers, please be very careful with the computer mouse.
>>> after mixing a recording using almost only the mouse i had terrible pain
>>> in the hand and inflammation around the elbow. my right hand got slow and
>>> kind of numb. i changed to the left hand for a year. took some serious
>>> conditioning to stop reaching for the mouse with the right hand...
>>> today i am able to switch hands whenever fatigue and stress build up.
>>> letting go of the mouse when not in use and simply moving and massaging
>>> the fingers regularly has helped me, too.
>>> one of the main problems is that the mouse-clicking finger joints do
>>> experience stress from the operation. unfortunately the movement is too
>>> small to trigger blood circulation and other recreative measures usually
>>> maintained by the body.
>>> this was discovered when a condition surfaced called the "sms-thumb" - a
>>> terrible stinging pain in the thumb from using cellulars for messaging.
>>> best - tilmann

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