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Re: Small Stone Power connector.. where does it go?

Mine is presumably pre-easter egg, it was
bought in the 70's, although I did 
once hear a short decaying tone on removing the jack .

having taken mine apart, and needing to get out the
soldering iron to fix the battery wire that came off
I decided to try and sort out some nice mods.

So far I've developed a battery fuelled warming device
(short circuit from hasty re-assembly)
and a version that has no wet signal at all.

Lastest is a version with a working vibrato switch
(cuts out the dry signal, easy well documented mod) 
and a very much non-working experimental mod to 
reduce the modulation depth.

...but I'm expecting it to stop working just as
soon as it's re-assembled into the box.


mark francombe wrote:
> Ahh.. shame, they implemented a easter egg killer then?.... it makes a 
> HUGE siren sound, dependant on the speed of the er... speed knob... Ive 
> heard it on lots of old tracks... so its not so unknown...
> On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 3:55 PM, andy butler <akbutler@tiscali.co.uk 
> <mailto:akbutler@tiscali.co.uk>> wrote:
>     on my small stone pulling out the in jack just switches off the
>     circuit :-(
> -- 
> mark francombe
> www.markfrancombe.com <http://www.markfrancombe.com>
> www.ordoabkhao.com <http://www.ordoabkhao.com>
> twitter @markfrancombe
> http://vimeo.com/user825094
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