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Well today the Octa is limitied to 16 seconds of sampling, the default way of sampling is to sample 1-64 sequencer steps. To sample you first need to set up source and lenght of sampling, something I typically do before i start a "song". In this case all tracks on the Octa was set to sample from source B and length was diffrent for a few treack but mostley 32 steps (2 beats) track one was 64 steps. Then you have to set playback for each tracl (also someting i do before hand) so you can sample on one track and play that back on many (or no) tracks. So when you start playing you will have a setup, which of course could also include tracks with pre-recorded samples taht could be as mong as you like if you don't need to manipulate all parametrs in real time... then when you sample you need to press track+record simultanusly, which is less than great for live use. IN the next major OSupgrade there will bi MIDI so that you can record by MIDI commands and there will be a "real-tima recording" mode as well. There ar very few of the ordinary looping commands, no feedback control, overdub etc.. all you can do at the moment is tp sampla and manipulate, you can sample from internal tracks, main or cue so you can for exanple sample several tracks to one or live audio and a track to one track sto simulate overdub. I didn't use any fancy stuff like that for this track.. What it has that Loopers don't have is sequencer and effects that can be sequenced, slicing of sample, AMP parameters for playback, seemless pichshift down and up one octave... really cool but as said a bit diffrent than what you expect from a looper.. but with better live sampling and a looper machine this will be a BEAST.. Anders Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2011 04:25:38 -0800 From: Subject: Re: Elektron Octatrack used as a looper of sorts.. now with working link...(sorry) To: Anders,
please enlighten me and clarify what the Octotrack currently does in the way of live sampling and how that is different from what you would call a real looper. I am very intersted in getting one but I need to be sure what it really does first.
From: Anders Bergdahl <> To: Loopers Delight <> Sent: Sat, March 5, 2011 10:20:30 AM Subject: RE: Elektron Octatrack used as a looper of sorts.. now with working link...(sorry) Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2011 20:00:34 -0700 Subject: Re: Elektron Octatrack used as a looper of sorts.. From: To: The link didn't work for me. Try again? |