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Re: Innovative Gear That Got Discontinued was Electro HarmonixFreeze - Vortex Patch

Rainer Straschill wrote:
> andy butler schrieb:
>> Ok, back to topic...has anyone ever done a software version of the 
>> Vortex btw?
>> I could give you a quote for one :-)
> That one still valid?
> http://www.loopers-delight.com/LDarchive/200509/msg00155.html

I always honour a quote ;-)

> ;).
> Did you also price it btw, and look at the number of prospective buyers?

well, Kris said he'd pay $50 for one :-)

I just estimated a cost based on how long it would take me,
....very roughly.

> Seriously, the fact that a target might be coming from hw units which 
> are not exactly fetching huge prices (seems to be a little above 100 
> whatever - i.e. cheaper in the U.S.), and that well-respected plugins 
> such as PSP N20 go for $150 might make this a tricky endeavour to get a 
> business case...

Sure, there's absolutely no market for fx plugins that do what
nothing else does, even if they'd have practical use in every
studio ( which a soft Vortex wouldn't).

Another part of the analysis is the advertising budget,
...but I'm a programmer...not any kind of promoter.
