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Re: Remembering Kim Flint

I never met Kim, but very much appreciate how helpful and wonderful a
resource LD really is. Hard to believe it is a year already. RIP.


On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 7:04 PM, tEd ® kiLLiAn <tedkillian@charter.net> 
> Hello all.
> This coming Sunday, 19 June 2011, will be the one-year anniversary of the
> tragic accident that took Loopers' Delight founder, Kim Flint, from us.
> While many LD subscribers may never have met or known him, if they
> appreciate this community and what it provides them, it's very existence 
> is
> owed to Kim's vision in starting it in 1996.
> Some of us did indeed known him (some even from that early beginning in 
> '96)
> and continue to miss him.
> But none of us can possibly miss him more than his life partner, Violet
> Hefner: <violet@missviolet.com>
> At LD we enjoy membership with no fees or strings attached, and our 
> freedom
> to take the conversation anywhere we want has enjoyed a history of Kim's
> light, almost nonexistent, touch as a moderator.
> Loopers' Delight has kept going with hardly a blip, because Violet wants 
> it
> that way, and to a number of us it seems the most fitting way to keep 
> Kim's
> memory and vision alive.
> I don't know about the rest of you, but I think sometime this week would 
> be
> a good time to post something to Vi, if you know her and feel up to it.
> Or, as an alternative, post something on the "Remembering Kim Flint"
> FaceBook page:
> <http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=140053582674656&v=wall>
> When it comes to grief and loss, the first anniversary is frequently one 
> of
> the hardest times of all.
> I suggest that those of us who feel "called" to do so, let her "feel the
> love" as they say by acting on that call.
> Or if nothing else (or perhaps in addition to that), make some sort of
> donation to the operating costs of Loopers' Delight (in memory of Kim) 
> at:
> <http://www.loopers-delight.com/loop.html>
> Vi has been keeping a blog concerning her loss and subequent grief that I
> think is really quite poignant at: <http://violetalone.com/>
> If you feel an urge or a stiring of any sort in that direction, I think 
> this
> coming week would be a good time to do something about it.
> In memory of Kim . . . cheers!
> Ted Killian