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Re: Cheapish iPads?

ok thx.. had a quick look.. cheapest here is about 3000 kroner, thats about 518 dollars, so.. NOT CHEAP ENOUGH!!

later then..


On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 1:15 AM, Dennis Moser <sinsofmachaut@gmail.com> wrote:

The "3G" refers to a cellular telephony chip that allows the iPad to
run on a cellular phone network (hence the reference to the AT&T
stores), theoretically like a giant iPhone.

HOWEVER, for music goodness, it isn't needed since they all come with
WiFi capability to run on a network.

You can save some money by NOT buying a 3G version. I DO rec going
with the iPad2 if you can get it because of a faster processor…
On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 5:11 PM, mark francombe <mark@markfrancombe.com> wrote:
> OK.. I came in late in the iPad story, they always looked pretty silly to
> me, and now all my geek friends have tired of theirs,(lets face it, you HAVE
> to look up actors names on imdb just because you can), so Im a bit backward
> in "padSpeak"
> Whats 3G got to do with it? Is that the new thing that everyone want so the
> old ones are cheap?
> Here in Norway, everyones got too much money, so maybe ( if theres a new one
> just come out), I should just go check some skips (dumpsters).
> mark
> On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 1:06 AM, Dennis Moser <sinsofmachaut@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Mark.
>> IF, and it's a big "if", you can score one without the 3G, get the
>> biggest memory you can … try the Apple Store first for a refurb iPad2,
>> non-3G.  No idea what it will cost you there in Norway, tho'…
>> Best,
>> Dennis
> --
> Mark Francombe
> www.markfrancombe.com
> www.ordoabkhao.com
> http://vimeo.com/user825094
> http://www.looop.no
> twitter @markfrancombe
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/24478662@N00/

Mark Francombe
twitter @markfrancombe