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Re: WHY - multiply?

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 3:31 PM, Kris Hartung <krispen.hartung@gmail.com> 
>  I have to say, I weened myself off of Multply in Mobius recently, and 
> now
> I'm just looping on additional tracks because I can achieve the same goal
> but have more flexibility to mute, manipulate, or reset individual parts.

It's funny that I'm cultivating similar ambitions - to instantly vary
the looping music while constantly play along on physical instruments
- but my method is the opposite: I use as few tracks as possible. The
reason is that I find it easier to manipulate one major track holding
many musical parts as layers, shorter or longer by previous
multiplying: I mean, everything stays in perfect sync even when doing
speed shifting and reversing since it is all part of the same loop.
For "muting just one part" I stick with Undo, but then I'm limited to
the latest addition I made so I need to keep that in mind when
creating my loop. It has become a second nature to create loop layers
in an order that prepares for a musical "re-mix" by the Undo/Redo

> Sidenote: I am syncing mobius to Live, but Next Loop is acting really 
> funky.
> Anyone doing this with success?

Yes, right now I'm about to go down to Istanbul for the second diamond
shaped eight channel surround concert with the duo together with
Erdem. We did a previous gig i Paris this spring but then I used Logic
for pre-prepared surround tracks. For this concert I'm using Live and
run Mobius VST synced to Live at "Host Bar" sync mode. I have not
noticed issues with Next Loop but will look fully into that, beginning
on Saturday. Will report back if I find something not working.

My other Mobius settings are the same as when I run it as the sync
master; I use "Quantize = Subcycle" and "SwitchQuant = Cycle". I
disable all compensation for tempo change (no speed shift, no change
of loop length). In Live I have set the tempo and time measure for
each song in advance by typing it into the scene slots of the master
track and then I have a foot switch assigned to Live's Next Clip while
preferences set to launch on selection. This means I need to fix two
things in Mobius between songs; first, if I have any loops going when
finishing a song I need to do a global reset of Mobius to let the
looper pick up the tempo of the new song about to start, and so I also
need to change the 8th per Cycle for all Mobius tracks (I only use
four, so it is a quick fix from the hand mixer buttons) to match the
upcoming time measure. That's not a heavy burden as nine songs out of
ten are in 4/4, and for the last piece I put all Mobius tracks at
"8ths per Cycle = 14" as it goes in 7/8. This system has been working
perfect so far, but as said, I have been preparing surround tracks
this week and will start rehearsing the live looping parts two days
from now.

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen