This has been a life-long quest for me as well. The problem for me is when I was first learning to play I would take a song and learn to play two or three parts at once on the guitar. Which is fine in the privacy of your practice space but doesn't translate well when in a band setting. Tough habit to break...
Two things have happened to make me a little better at it. First, I am getting arthritis in my fretting fingers, so I try to make every note count. Second, I started playing steel guitar, and using the alternate tunings has opened up my playing on conventional guitar as well. Third, I started looping and realized how dense things can get in a short time (someone else already mentioned how looping has helped). Fourth, I can't even count to two ;)
From: David Gans <>
Cc: David Gans <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: Creating Space
On Jan 11, 2012, at 4:52 AM, andy butler wrote:
>> What do the members of this esteemed group do to help give silence her due?
> Put as much effort into
the end of each note as into it's beginning.
Well said. Learning when NOT to play has been a long-term undertaking for me.
David Gans - or