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Re: Audio routing internally on a mac

There are two: Jack Server and Soundflower. I have tried both and
can't say that one works better than the other. But a problem might be
the varying latency. With varying I mean that the audio is delayed by
a different inertia depending on what else is going on in the system.
This makes it impossible to compensate for that latency. Not saying it
has to be a problem, that would depend on what you are doing. (myself
I ended up pulling a loopback connection on the RME soundcard instead,
since that latency is fixed and I could easily compensate for it).

If your two applications support ReWire this is an efficient way to
pipe synced audio between apps. However, a rewired host applications
usually loses its option to host other third-party plugins durin
rewire mode activities.

A method I often grab for is to not pipe audio but snag it to a file
and then import that file into the second app. I use Audio Hijack Pro
for that, this awesome little appl can snag any audio stream happening
in the computer, in any application or in an added audio interface.
And you have total control of the audio format, supports all
compression formats as well as higher sample rates.

For users of RME audio interfaces there's also a way to digitally loop
back an output into the computer to be fetched as input by a different
parallel application.

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 10:32 AM, mark francombe <mark@markfrancombe.com> 
> Brain Freeze...
> Whats the little widgit I need to install to feed audio from one app into
> another?
> Ive been working in Quartz composer, making my silly interactive 
> graphics,
> now I am normally just go Boo into the microphone, but now I now I have
> enough examples to record a few (trying to figure out a way to show 
> actual
> Quartz patched in a webpage.. migth be possible, if you are on mac and 
> have
> it instaled.. not there yet, s fgor now have to make a video)
> The way I do this is to import Quartz into Resolume, which is where I can
> control all the parameters from the audio better.
> But the audio in in Resolume has Audio in (the socket) Internal 
> Microphone
> (the er.. Internal Microphone) and Ozone, (the input from my music gear) 
> But
> I just want to play a mp3 on the computer and watch my quartz plun in fo 
> its
> stuff, while fiming a screen capture.
> How can I get the audio into Resolume... theres a... a.... a....a thing..
> forgotton the name of it..
> M
> --
> Mark Francombe
> www.markfrancombe.com
> www.ordoabkhao.com
> http://vimeo.com/user825094
> http://www.looop.no
> twitter @markfrancombe
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/24478662@N00/