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Seriously, though, I generally see two ways to go: 1. find out what exactly you need, then get the device which comes closest.This is (in theory) the cheapest version, but then again, how would you know: do you need independent parallel loops (such as the LP1 offers), or are you happy with one loop with multiple tracks (e.g. 2880, Repeater OS 1.x). Do you really need multiple tracks, or is your music built in a way that you can use undo/redo to accomplish the same? Do you ever intend to use variable feedback (this is an important one)?
Maybe you don't know the answer to all those questions, but luckily, there's another way: 2. get a looper which is cheap and play with it. Find its limits. Look which functions/features you use the most, and which you don't. Then, based on that, find out which device you really need - and sell the first one (or keep it because by now, you've come to like it). There's a lot of loopers out there which come in cheaply (especially if they got replaced by more advanced models. Boss DD20 and Line6 DL4 can be had for around €150 - and a great many accomplished loopers have done things using just one of them or maybe a pair (examples for DL4: Rick Walker, Matt Davignon, Matt Stevens - for DD20: Jeff Duke, Ted Killian and I assume many more).
Yours, Rainer (who believes in the power of Möbius, still sometimes uses simple loopers: in the setup included Boss DD20, Line6 M9, EH SMM w/Hazari and Korg KP3 - don't know which one I used on this, but I think it was the Boss)
Sergio G schrieb:
Hello Jeff! Yes :) And it is quite cryptic for me.If a musician who used loopers and knows, sees this table, he can understand all. But I cannot :) Also, there are strange things. For example, I thought with 2880 you had 4 tracks, one more than rc-300 (which btw is not in the table), but it says: "no multiple parallel loops. ONE loop may have four track." While in RC-50 says "3 parallel loops". SO I cannot understand the difference. Oh, damn, so the 2880 has got no undo??? Mmmmmmm. THat is bad because it means that everytime instead of directing overdubbing a track I should before record on another track and is I like it then merge. AM I right?:) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 10:11:40 -0400Subject: Re: "Mainly Vocal" looping performances: help in deciding which toolsFrom: To: Hi Sergio, is this the chart? all the best! JeffOn Tue, May 8, 2012 at 9:02 AM, Sergio Girardi < <>> wrote:Hello everybody! I am Sergio from Italy, living in Germany. I am new here. So, first, a little introduction and explanation of what I want to do, then, at the bottom, the question... *_About what I want to do:_* since many many years I want to do music with mostly voice and loops. Finally it is the time. My project: *live performances* (so *real time is a MUST*) with *mostly voice* (sing, beatbox, human sounds, overtones, voice used to imitate instruments or to create atmospheres, body percussion), but also one or two *synths *(general purpose one, and a bassy one), maybe a *theremin*, some *percussions*, and other things which may produce an interesting sound or noise (from objects to harmonica, kazoo, etc), and of course some *effect processor* like Kaoss Pad 3, or *harmonizers/effects *like Digitech Vocalist Live 5, etc. Models? At the beginning none, it was just my idea. Now I know Ricoloop, Dub FX, Beardyman, and yes, I like all of them for what they are but none of them do all what I would like to do. Luckily :) Other model, Bauchklang, no loops but they do a very cool kind of group beatbox and I like their themes very much. Some of the slow ones, very atmosphere, are near to some of my ideas. *_Questions:_* 1) that is predictable and it is the only really important one now:* which looper?* I cannot decide between Boss *RC-300*, Electro Harmonix *2880*, and I now just found in a forum this Looperlative *LP1*. But I wonder if just even one or a couple of *Kaoss Pad 3* can be enough, or something else. So, please please please some quick feedback on any of them, or even better comparison, so that I can understand *what I can and cannot do with each one?* I have found somewhere once, maybe here, a comparison table but I cannot find it anymore and anyway it is a bit cryptic for someone who did not begin yet. If somebody tell me "you can bounce tracks, start them together, stop them together, mute the one you want, change the volume of each one" etc, I understand better :) 2) any idea about *which harmonizer* is better to put some effect to change my voice and to have more voices singing together? As I do not play keyboard or guitar, I do not need these complicated things which detect the chord etc. 3) Kaoss Pad 3 is apparently the best real time effect processor. But, some other ideas? Thanks a loop! Sergio
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