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Re: cycle divide+midi clock relationship (was: New discovery on EDP!!!)

mark francombe wrote:

Internally on a laptop system I guessing hosts like Bidule have some er... bidules that can multiply and divide the midi clock,

They are indeed called Bidules.

..but there's no processor for MidiClocks.

maybe with Midi-Switchers and Midi-Delays??

Or? What other tricks are there?

Only thing I can think of is to merge t2 streams of midi-clock together,
(or merge one with itself).
Don't think that's going to take you far, I guess midi just isn't designed for innovation.

Is this something that the designers of Evoloop might consider, having 2 different settings for midi clock output multiple and quantize setting multiple?

..and now the good news

Echoloop has it's midi timing defined by the time sig params,
which are independent of Subcycle.
That was Matthias.


On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 4:50 PM, mark francombe <mark@markfrancombe.com <mailto:mark@markfrancombe.com>> wrote:

    Its all possible on the EDP, but not practical how you describe...
    I find it hard enough to close a multiply exactly on 32 cycles, what
    if it took 128 cycles PER musical bar... not possible.
    I have these "smooth moves" programmed on my drum machine, and can
    run certain patterns (bit like scripts on Mobius) when I need'em,
    but its not nice...

/_Mark Francombe_/
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