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Re: midi visualizer vst?

Couple of pro level VJ products from an e-mail from Livid...

 "ArKaosConnect plug-in allows GrandVJ to receive sound and MIDI from any audio sequencer compatible with VST plug-ins, running on the same machine or on another machine on the network"


"Set-and-play remote controls with VDMX let you run your effects wirelessly from an iPad or MIDI controller"


Both programs accept Quartz files, etc...
On 09/08/13, Michael Peters<mp@mpeters.de> wrote:

I posted this several years ago and there is still nothing that I find convincing. Or is there? a midi visualizer vst plugin? computers should be fast enough to do something nice.


> today I thought it would be very cool if I could dynamically visualize my own live music, but not with one of the many available audio based visualizers (like in Winamp) but midi controlled - e.g. by playing my midified guitar. I thought with midi I could have a much more precise  and definable control over all parameters. I guess this can all be easily  done with Max and Jitter but maybe there is a simple readymade tool for  this? that I could plug into my Bidule? in Windows? I couldn't find anything strangely enough. Am I the first to imagine such a tool?