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Re: Listen to Galactic Travels

Dear Galactic Bill,

Please don't let a confused and disturbed person's actions rule your
actions! As stated above, many find your playlists interesting.

Greetings from Sweden

Per Boysen

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 7:03 PM, Dennis Moser <sinsofmachaut@gmail.com> 
> Bill,
> Don't go.
> I delete the show announcements, but I save your playlists for both shows
> ...
> As the founding Admin for the FB group, PLEASE feel free to post BOTH the
> announcements and the playlists there, too (there should be a way to
> automate that to keep it simple for you).
> Honestly, just because someone can't be arsed to use their "Delete" 
> button
> should send you off from here — you're one of the originals.
> Stay.
> Best,
> Dennis
> http://soundcloud.com/usrsbin
> http://audiozoloft.com
> http://usrslashsbin.angrek.com/
> On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 8:53 AM, TheWeg <theweg@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I agree with Mark, sorry to see you go!
>> Theweg@gmail.com
>> PS, feel free to send to my email Bill.
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On May 27, 2015, at 8:39 AM, mark francombe <mark@markfrancombe.com>
>> wrote:
>> Bye Bill,
>> I for one will be sorry to see you go. Despite the vast deluge of 
>> possible
>> free music on the internet, its increasingly hard to find niche music 
>> and
>> your long running Galactic Travels series has been an occasionally 
>> stopping
>> point for me. Not always my cup o char, but more than once did I read a 
>> name
>> in your playlist that sparked a recollection, that caused an 
>> investigation
>> that promoted a sale, or a search.
>> You have been the brunt of a few dicks over the years and this Paul 
>> Plant
>> seems to be a good example. Our blue public version was hit by a
>> particularly nasty one recently, i guess its the spirit of the age 
>> really. I
>> for one am veering more and more away from communicating via the web and
>> getting more and more interested in wood-carving. The Internet aint 
>> what it
>> was back when Kim started this place, now its the homeland of the 
>> stupid,
>> and we are supposed to mix with them and live with them.
>> I am particularly revolted by this one, as the age of violence and guns
>> and stupidity is engendering this new apathetic and nihilistic norm, 
>> where
>> telling someone to die is considered a pretty light or amusing affair, 
>> when
>> our light entertainment has "heros" of schoolmaster drug-dealing 
>> murderers
>> and policeman serial killers, is there no wonder that the scum that
>> infiltrate our internet with their propaganda of pseudo muslim violence 
>> and
>> bigotry resort to the most grotesque mutilation of their victims in 
>> full HD,
>> because they now it will be spread via social media. Im honestly 
>> beginning
>> to think that the internet, as well as being the most exiting and 
>> useful of
>> tools, is also going to become humanities downfall.
>> Please excuse the rant, everyone... Ive had a bad day, and my kid is
>> asking questions about things he should not know about for at least 5
>> years...
>> Good luck and farewell Bill
>> and why don't you fuck off too Paul...
>> Mark
>> PS (Bills post kept for clarity, sorry digesters..)
>> On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 2:06 PM, Bill Fox <billyfox@soundscapes.us> 
>> wrote:
>>> Nearly a year ago...
>>> On 9/4/14 9:10 PM, Paul Plant wrote:
>>>> Hey Bill
>>>> Please die!
>>>> Sent from my pad to yours .....Man
>>>>> On Sep 4, 2014, at 1:29 PM, Bill Fox <billyfox@soundscapes.us> wrote:
>>>>> http://galactictravels.info
>>>>> Please SHARE so that more people can listen to and support the 
>>>>> artists.
>>>>> Tonight at 11 pm EDT/GMT-4 on Galactic Travels, I'll begin a 
>>>>> month-long
>>>>> Special Focus on Dreamwind.  The Featured CD at Midnight will be 
>>>>> "Best of
>>>>> Early Years."  The Special Focus page is at
>>>>> http://soundscapes.us/gt/playlists/2014/focus.html#sep
>>>>> Tonight, Modulator ESP and onewayness will play a live set on the 
>>>>> show.
>>>>> Galactic Travels is an electronic, ambient, and space music show that
>>>>> airs each Thursday at 11:04 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and 
>>>>> Bethlehem,
>>>>> 93.9 FM in Easton and Phillipsburg, 93.7 FM in Fogelsville and 
>>>>> Trexlertown,
>>>>> and on the internet at http://wdiy.org.
>>>>> Become a WDIY member now! http://ow.ly/pJhCf
>>> Today's 2015 response:
>>> Sorry, Paul.  I will not comply with your request any time soon. It's
>>> just not in my plan.  Despite being a looper, despite playing music by
>>> members of the LD community on Galactic Travels on WDIY-FM (and 
>>> stream) as
>>> well as on Thought Radio and Afterglow on WMUH-FM (and stream), 
>>> despite the
>>> blessing of Kim (R.I.P.), I think I'll just go away and not be such a 
>>> thorn
>>> in your side.
>>> Before I go, I would like to express my thanks and appreciation to 
>>> people
>>> like Mark Francombe, Andy Butler, Tim Mungenast, cpr, and other 
>>> long-time LD
>>> friends who understand the value of inclusiveness and civility.  Truth 
>>> be
>>> known, I have become a lurker on mailing lists because all my activity 
>>> is on
>>> social networks.
>>> For those of you who can't be arsed to press delete twice a week 
>>> without
>>> popping a vein, you may now breathe easier because you may now burn 8 
>>> fewer
>>> calories per week.  That will give you enough time to eat four extra 
>>> potato
>>> chips as you sit on your couch.  You may now go and find something 
>>> else that
>>> will upset you.   I have full confidence that it won't take you very 
>>> long.
>>> Bill
>>> --
>>> Sent from my iMnotSayin.  ;-)
>> --
>> Mark Francombe
>> www.markfrancombe.com
>> http://vimeo.com/user825094
>> http://electricityplant.wordpress.com/
>> twitter @markfrancombe