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Re: EDP input/output gain & distortion problems

Title: Re: EDP input/output gain & distortion problems
I have a similar situation with a twist.  I bought an EDP from the first Gibson batch (group buy from Alto).  I upgraded the RAM to the max and it works fine.  I bought a second Gibson EDP (the second group buy from Alto) but this one is slightly different from the first one.

The newer one came with the maximum RAM - a nice feature.  The on/off switch is reversed - I can get used to that.  But the real anoying difference is the input/output gain is much different between the two units.  I can correct the gain problem by carefully adjusting the knobs but it would be much nicer if the units were better matched.

Thankfully, I have not noticed any distortion in either unit.


From: "Fabio Katz" <fabiok@home.com>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Subject: EDP input/output gain & distortion problems
Date: Thu, Mar 1, 2001, 3:15 PM

Hi loopers,
I've had an Echoplex for more than 4 years, and I have recently bought a brand new one to loop in stereo.
I upgraded the software in my old unit to Loop III 5.0 and both work together like a charm.
The only problem was the difference in input/output gain between the two EDPs, so I did the mod on my old one as explained in the FAQ
Now I can set the knobs in both units to almost the same position for balanced stereo looping, but...
the old unit after the mod sounds distorted, even before the LED goes orange.
I was careful to replace the right resistors with the correct values.  Only difference is that I got 2%, not 1% resistors in town.
Is it possible that the mod may not work correctly on some units?
What else could have gone wrong?
In order to undo the mod I need to buy new resistors (our cat hid them), in that case I would need to confirm the values of the original resistors.
Thanks for your help!
Fabio Katz
Stick and Loops